I wrapped a sparkly green faery stone with silver and copper wire. This comes with a 24 inch silver filled chain.
Green faery stone is also called monkstone or green goldstone. This is a man-made stone first created in the 15th century by alchemists trying to make gold. The green color is created by combining silica quartz and copper at high temperatures.
Faery stone is good for deflecting unwanted energies and protection from negative influences. It can increase confidence and courage, and promote a lightness of spirit. Like most green stones, it can attract prosperity and success.
Green is the color associated with the element of earth. It is the color of life and growth. The earth element symbolizes a solid foundation and roots deep within the soil, grounding and calming you. Earth represents fertility and stability.
Some people have the misconception that a man-made stone is less effective than a natural gemstone when used in a metaphysical sense. This isn't really true. Because lab grown or man-made gemstones are made up of the same chemical compounds as most natural occurring gemstones, there is little difference in their mineral properties.
From the ISG:
"Creating gemstones in a lab is an art that must be learned and perfected using imagination and skill. Lab created gemstones are not imitations, they are newly created gemstones that are of the same make up as the mined gemstones. So by definition, gemstones created in a lab cannot be called synthetic because rather than imitate a gemstone...they ARE gemstones.
It fact, quartz has been hydrothermally grown for the electronics industry since the time of World War II. As a result the perfection of the crystal growth is so refined that the ability to identify hydrothermal quartz is virtually impossible without scientific equipment."
From the GIA:
"The hydrothermal growth process is slow and expensive. But it’s the only method for successfully growing created quartz. This process requires heat and pressure that mimics the conditions deep in the earth, resulting in the formation of natural gems. Nutrients are dissolved in a water solution, and then the crystals form as the solution cools."